7 Aralık 2016 Çarşamba

Hormones, Brain and Behavior (3rd Edition) has cited the thyroid-homosexuality proposal article

Probably the most authoritative book on the subject of interplay between what the title says, "Hormones, Brain and Behavior" has cited the thyroid-homosexuality proposal article in the latest edition published this month.

Edited by Pfaff DW & Joels M and published by the Academic Press, the key features of the book include;

  • Comprehensive and updated coverage of a rapidly growing field of research
  • Unique treatment of all major vertebrate and invertebrate model systems with excellent opportunities for relating behavior to molecular genetics
  • Covers an unusual breadth of topics and subject fields, ranging from molecules to ecophysiology, and from basic science to clinical research
  • Ideal resource for interdisciplinary learning and understanding in the fields of hormones and behavior.

  • The citation refers to the 2015 study as: "...but the sample was relatively small and the percentage of homosexuality in the sample population was 2%, lower than in the general population (Sabuncuoglu, 2015)." However, that reasoning falls quite short, as a clinical sample of children and adolescents is unlikely to be similar to general population of mostly adult people. For instance, the ADHD percentage in a child psychiatry clinical population may be up to 40%, whereas it is expected to be about 5% in general child  population, and 2-3% in general adult population. While some neurodevelopmental disorders fade with age, some of them increase when minors grow up.

    26 Temmuz 2016 Salı

    An Editorial regarding the thyroid-homosexuality proposal article

    An Editorial entitled "A Link Between Maternal Thyroid Hormone and Sexual Orientation?" has been published in the journal Mental Illness regarding the thyroid-homosexuality proposal article.

    The author Jeffrey Mullen, from the University of California, Irvine, briefly summerizes the article and concludes: "...Whether or not maternal thyroid dysfunction causes homosexuality, this study presents data that strongly suggest that there is an association between the two. Though past research has not been able to attribute a single factor to the development of sexual orientation, future research may find additional contributing factors. Ultimately, this study has made a very compelling point concerning the very nature of gender nonconformity and sexual orientation. Those findings will likely prove to be important to our understanding of the topic, and will serve as a point of reference from which future research will be directed."

    Please refer to the following links for full text access:

